Contruent Blog

Transforming Your Business with Executive Dashboards

Data visualization through a powerful executive dashboard tool helps you take business analytics to the next level. Not only are you able to reveal hidden trends and identify risks, but you can also visually display executive dashboards for multiple projects for all team members to easily understand and consume. Instead of working in individual data silos, the data is brought together in a centralized place equipping the management team to make quick, informed and strategic decisions.

Contruent Enterprise’s Executive Dashboards are winning over the C-suite by allowing for seamless analysis of data in a simple dashboard environment. With Executive Dashboards, you are able to view your project from a “big picture” perspective, and then drill down into any areas that require deeper analysis.

Contruent Executive Dashboards can transform the way you manage your projects. They help you to:

  • Make more informed business decisions with real-time data
  • Save significant capital costs
  • Spot project trends and identify projects with the greatest risks
  • Easily determine when to take action on suspect projects
  • Get a 360 degree view of a project, program or portfolio
  • Eliminate data siloes within the organization
  • Graphically and visually display all your project data

Strategic dashboards like Contruent’s Executive Dashboards are becoming increasingly popular since they allow executives (who already have limited time) to stop seeking out KPIs in spreadsheet columns and rows, and instead view them (and download them for use in presentations) immediately in a convenient, aesthetic way. Dashboards offer a more efficient and clearer way to view data via charts, graphs and meters, rather than digging for it. With Executive Dashboards, you can still dive deeper into data points to further explore them. It allows users to take massive amounts of data and comprehensibly view it in real-time in an easy-to-digest way.

To learn more about Contruent Executive Dashboards, download our “Transforming Data Into Actionable Intelligence” webinar and read our Executive Dashboards datasheet.