Contruent Blog

What is Service Oriented Architecture?

You may or may not have heard of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), but this approach is actually at the core of successfully integrating your various software systems. Construction projects and programs utilize many different tools and systems, so it is imperative to integrate them where possible to save time and money, and to run more smoothly.

A Service Oriented Architecture is an architectural approach where you expose and encapsulate services in a coarse-grained manner. It helps to enable integration interaction between systems. To put it in more basic terms, SOA allows different services to communicate with one another.

Service Oriented Architecture makes your integration easy to build and easy to reconfigure; meaning fewer headaches as your organization grows and changes. With a Service Oriented Architecture, you are able to make use of your existing tools while adding new ones that then integrate into your current environment.

Contruent Connect is Contruent’s integration platform; it’s used to integrate project controls environments using Service Oriented Architecture. Contruent Connect makes it easy to connect your diverse systems in order to produce richer, more meaningful data.

Learn more about Service Oriented Architecture and integration in project controls by reading our newest white paper. You can also learn more about Contruent Connect through this information datasheet.

project software integration What is Service Oriented ArchitectureWHITE PAPER: INTEGRATION IN A PROJECT CONTROLS ENVIRONMENT

In a project controls environment, integration of project, program and portfolio data is essential to make key business decisions.

This white paper explores how to effectively integrate project controls data, defines service oriented architecture and its interactions with applications and discusses the benefits that can be realized by managing programs from a central point.